Monday, May 31, 2010

I Feel Like I've Been Run Over by a Bus

Here's why:

  1. I went to the Casual Blogger Conference '10 for 2 full days and I think my brain came very close to exploding from the sheer volume of good ideas flowing into it. Really good things. Plus, I got to sit next to my friend Amy (the lady who teaches me to raise {Super Healthy Kids} even though I still feel no guilt for feeding my children a diet consisting of large amounts of ketchup, I am working on that)  and she makes me laugh hard. I don't think I should laugh that hard, you know, bladder control, and all.
  2. Dan and I ran in the Memorial Day 5K race in his cute little home town. We stuck together the whole time and we finished respectably. I'm proud of us. Then we ate back all the calories we burned at the city pancake breakfast. Yum. The whole town loves to see Dan eat so they give him a gigantic stack every year.
  3. To get to the 5K on time, we had to get up at 5:30 this morning. I don't like doing that. No one should ever have to get up before 7.
  4. I'm still awake right now. It's after 11.
  5. I've been losing sleep over this earring craft for church camp this summer. But I've finally got it all ready. Now I can think about other things, like why no one has cleaned the kitchen in a few days (am I the mom? am I supposed to do stuff like that?)
  6. I was introduced to so many amazing blogs at the conference, I've been trying to catch up on a lot of fantastic thoughts people post on the internet. Blogging is really an incredible concept if you think about it. Anybody can publish and pretty much anybody can read it. Power to the people.
Well, I'm going to go sleep now and hopefully recover some of my mental and physical capabilities. 
What did you do over the weekend?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Casual Blogger Conference

I'm off galavanting with the blogging community at the CBC. Wish me luck. I'll be rubbing elbows with all sorts of amazing bloggers I'm sure.  Dan helped me design and print some little calling cards so that I can get the word out about Mmmboppin'. I think there should be more things in the world named after Hanson songs, don't you?

Have a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Do It For the Children

Can someone help me? I'm in charge of the jewelry making craft at our church girl's camp next month. I want to make some fun dangly earrings like a pair I bought at a boutique last summer. But I need some cool cabochon flowers. And I'd like to find them as cheaply as I can, since its for church and all. 

Click here to view larger image

Does anybody know where to get the best deal on them? I'm sick of going to craft stores and finding nothing and googling them on the internet to be lead to sketchy websites. And seriously, don't worry that I'll start an etsy shop and exploit your secrets. I'm just doing it for the children, for church. I swear.

The children and I thank you.

Expiration Date

I purchased this doll with my allowance at KB Toy Store when I was 9. So, she's 20 years old. Apparently she should have had a "best is used before 2010" stamp on her, because when my mom found the doll in a box and gave her to Maggie to play with, her entire head of hair came off in Maggie's hand. Well, all the hair but the bangs.

I guess she's past her prime. The really awesome thing is that Maggie has yet to comment on it. She just keeps playing with that "Unexplained Hair Loss Barbie" without batting an eye. The bald doll hasn't even fazed her.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Remember When We Planted the Garden and Pulled out the Wading Pool?

Yeah. I remember that, too.

'Cause on Monday it snowed. It snowed in our pool. What's that about?

p.s. Dear Tomato Plants,
Please don't die.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cake Wrecks Tour Coming to SLC?

Yesterday, I was pleased to read that the {Cake Wrecks Book Signing Tour} is planning on coming to Salt Lake City.  I think I'm going to have to go to that. I might have to make a cupcake wreckplica for the contest as well. 

Beth and Marilyn, get ready cause you're going with me.

Who else is in?

Sweetest Wish List

2 very dear Hungarian friends are coming to Utah this weekend. Zita sent me a facebook message which said, "mit szeretnétek, mit vigyek magyarországról?" 

You probably can't read that, though, can you? Good thing I can, 'cause it says "What would you guys like? What should I bring you from Hungary?"

Seriously Zita? You're willing to bring me something? Where do I begin?
I'll begin with this:

It's like a Kit-Kat bar, only instead of just plain wafers stacked together inside of the chocolate, its like a wafer shell filled with hazelnut cream. I bought one of these every Monday.

Then there's this:

A milk chocolate bar with pieces of dried apricot and cookies. The apricots make it a bit chewy and the cookies add a little crunch, and european chocolate is the sweetest, smoothest, meltiest chocolate ever.

This chocolate bar is enormous with a layer of butter cookies and cream. It was way bigger than the big chocolate bars in America. It was like the size of my arm. I tried to buy these sparingly because they tasted so good I'd have the hardest time not gorging on it. And nobody needs to eat that much chocolate in a day. Not even a missionary about the Lord's work.

My mind is just spinning with possibilities, maybe I could just ask Zita to bring me a grocery store.

Are there any foods that you miss from somewhere you once lived?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fathers and Sons Campout

While Maggie and I were enjoying our night together at the mall on Friday, Dan was camping with the boys. Our congregation at church puts together a camp-out every year for fathers and sons. Dan has looked forward to taking his sons camping since they were born-- so this trip has been a year and 10.5 months in the making.

Nobody died. Everybody was able to get at least some sleep in the tent in the rain. And they got to launch some pretty cool rockets. So, I say it was a success.

I am just amazed/proud that Dan did it. I don't think I would have dared do it by myself.

Here's to many future camping trips!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mother Daughter Date

On Friday night, I asked Maggie what she wanted to do. She required 2 things:

  1. French fries
  2. Dinosaur Play Land (her name for the play ground area at the mall)
So, I took her to 5 Guys. They make a good burger. Really good. I've never seen a kid eat fries like Maggie did. She really put them away. I had the best time with my girl, sitting across the table sharing fry sauce, talking about "nuffing" (nothing) in particular.

After the burgers, I loaded Maggie into the single, solitary, one-kid stroller (that I haven't used in nearly 2 years) and we cruised around the mall. It was absolutely heaven. I could turn the thing on a dime. She never once threw anything from the stroller as we walked around. There were no tantrums. Then I asked Maggie if there was anything else she wanted to do while we were out, and she said with wide eyes looking at the Shrek display at the movie theater across the parking lot, "I see Shrek show?"

How could I say no? I couldn't. So, we saw Shrek 4 and laughed and laughed until Maggie fell asleep. Then I had to laugh and laugh by myself. Good show. Good date. I'll have to ask Maggie out again.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Green Smoothie Time

 Some afternoons, I get a hankerin' for something sweet. Who am I kidding? That happens every afternoon. So, lately instead of making cookies, I've been making smoothies.

A banana, frozen cherries, blueberries, and strawberries, a splash of 100% apple juice, and a handful of spinach. I love it. And the kids do, too.

 (I don't think they know about the spinach.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Can Already Taste the Zucchini

Over the last 2 weekends, Dan and I have worked our tails off in the back yard. We've tilled, shoveled, planted, fertilized, mowed, weeded, and watered.

And now we have a garden, a raspberry patch, and a sandbox/ play area (using the wasted space under the deck) to show for it.

Working hard is so rewarding.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"I Go Simming?"

Ever since the snow melted, Maggie has been pleading with me to let her go swimming in our backyard. It was only hovering around 70 degrees this afternoon, but I relented and this afternoon Maggie had a good 20 minutes of wading pool bliss.

I adore this girl.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today as I was changing the boys' diapers, one right after the other, Maggie assisted. She held each boy's hand firmly and very seriously said "Don't worry, its all going to be okay, brother." She was so sincere about it, it seemed more like they were getting their legs amputated rather than a mere soggy diaper changed.

But its good to know that Maggie has a wonderful bedside manner.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Casual Blogger Conference

I won a ticket to the Casual Blogger Conference. That means I'm going. I'm at once thrilled and terrified at the prospect. 

Blogging is a hobby that I really enjoy and spend time doing, but its also something that is really non-confrontational to me. Its like real life with a filter. You can choose to put your best self on your blog: your clean room, your folded laundry, your wonderful witty children, your amazing party, your adorable new craft. And you can choose to put your worst day on your blog. And if you're like me you'll do both. But the best part is, you can choose.

Going to the conference takes the filter out. I won't be able to choose what others think of me. I won't have the ability to edit what I say or how I will be perceived. Plus, I'll be attending alone (Ah! I rarely even go to the bathroom alone anymore let alone a 2 day conference) and I already feel really vulnerable about it. And, I'll probably see all sorts of "big time" bloggers and get all nervous.

Anyway, I'm excited to learn things about blogging, meet new people, and celebrate the blogging medium--'cause really it is great.

Are you going to the conference? Do you know anyone who is? 
Will they/you want to be my friend?
Have you attended something like this? Any advice?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Orange You Glad There Was a Wedding?

My sister in law Megan got married on Wednesday. There were orange accents here. And there. And they were lovely. I'd be lying if I said I didn't go home with a stomach ache from gummy peach ring overload. Those things are tasty. And there were cupcakes. Yes there were.

Congratulations to the adorable couple. And their delicious desert choices.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bad Guy Birds

While Maggie and my niece Clara were lunching on Mac n Cheese the other day, they were looking out the enormous window onto our backyard where a flock of starlings were pecking around in the grass.

"Those birds are bad guys," Clara said.

"Those birds are bad guys?" Maggie asked wide-eyed.

"Yes. They eat other birds babies," Clara said.

"Oh dear!" screeched Maggie.

"Well, Starlings do take over other birds' nests, don't they Clara? that's not very nice," I said unsure if Starlings are mean enough to actually eat other birds babies (as annoying and pesky as they are).

"Yeah, they take over their nests and eat their babies," Clara affirmed.

Awesome. I've researched and I'm still not sure they eat baby birds but they eat sewage, so I guess I wouldn't be surprised. Some people find Starlings repulsive.  Even my zoology professor at BYU offered 50 points extra credit for every Starling we killed over the course of the term. None of us took him up on the offer, however.

Anyway, the most hilarious part about Clara's bird lesson is that now Maggie is convinced that 95% of birds are bad. All day long she is running to find me all panicky that bad-guy birds are in our yard. And the other day in the Target parking lot Maggie pointed to a Seagull over head and in a real annoyed voice said, "Oh gosh. Here come the bad guy birds again."

Luckily there is the famous {Utah story of the Seagull miracle} that I used to illustrate that a lot of birds are truly wonderful. As for me, just seeing a great blue heron or a pelican chilling by the lake fills me with calm and a sense of awe.

Tell Maggie, what's your favorite bird?

It's Official!

My husband is, officially, a genius.

The Master of Science Diploma came yesterday and I couldn't be dang prouder.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Are You Tired of Freezer Paper Stencils Yet?

'Cause I'm sure not!

And Maggie painted this one:

Her paint smudges actually are my favorite part. She so proud of it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Yesterday I found these two girls sharing secrets.

These secrets must have been pretty juicy.

And also funny.

Hope it wasn't about me. 
Any guesses what they were talking about?

Monday, May 10, 2010

5 kids 3 and Under

Today a salesman came to my door selling Book of Mormon videos. I'm sure they were a wonderful product. I love the Book of Mormon. I love videos. But I had to inform the man I had no time.

"I still get paid a commission just for doing the presentation, even if you don't buy it, " He said using a tactic I'm not sure his employer would appreciate, but whatever.

"You know what?" I asked, "I've got 5 kids here, the oldest is 3 and in the kitchen I just might be burning their Mac n Cheese, so I'm not lying when I say I really don't have time."

His eyes got all big and I closed the door with a hurried smile.

And that was my morning.

Since my darling sister-in-law Beth had her darling baby girl last week, and today was my brother's first day going back to work leaving her at home alone with the hooligans, I offered to take my nieces Clara (3) and Mary (2) for the morning. I packed them in my SUV and drove them to my house while Maggie and Clara argued over what Disney songs I should play (it got very heated over Peter Pan and Sleeping Beauty. The princess won).

But once we got to our house, the children went into the backyard and played and played and played and I actually was able to clean my kitchen and go to the bathroom without an audience. How is it that 5 babies can be easier than 3? There were the all-out brawls when everyone wanted to play with the doll stroller at the same time, Will threw the tea set down the stairs, and Coleman repeatedly smacked Mary in the head. And then there was the moment with the salesman when all the kids were crying for Macaroni. But really it was an easier week day morning than I've had in a while.

Mary and Clara, you're welcome back any time!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I Love My Mother Because.... by Me

My mom likes life. She doesn't dwell on negative stuff, even though she's had to deal with her fair share of it. She cares about people and loves things. She collects lots of things: dishes, nativities, fabric, books, talavera, children's toys (she probably doesn't think she collects these, but she has amassed a bajillion of them), and other entertainments. She has good taste in things. She doesn't like Neil Diamond or Barry Manilow; she likes The Doors and has a crush on Joe Cocker. She knows all the best places for Mexican food and makes the worlds best fajitas herself. She is always willing to help--by watching a kid, fixing a meal,  lending an ear, whatever. And she's funny. I mean really funny.

I can't thank her enough for putting up with me. The older my Maggie gets and the more fits she throws over every little thing, the more I realize my mother is a Saint, because I was just like Maggie when I was a kid and my mom didn't kill me, not even once, even though I'm sure she wanted to.  My mom has answered many a phone call with me crying on the other end, and she's always put me back together again.

I love my mother because she's the best one there is.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!!

I Love My Mother Because.... by Vhari Macbeth

Karen Stewart is Martha Stewart's twin. She can craft anything. I had
the most amazing birthday parties, school projects, hand-sewn dresses
and nightgowns, bows etc. (Unfortunately I did not inherit this gene).

She would sing and dance and I loved it, even though I pretended to be
embarrassed in front of my friends.

She made EVERY birthday awesome. I felt SO special! She would make me muffins complete with candles and singing in the early morning before
school. Make a special school lunch, decorate complete with balloons,
serve my favorite dinner complete with a birthday cake and carefully
select and hide the perfect present.

She's a saint. She does everything until it's perfect and kills
herself doing it. She can't say no and single-handedly takes care of
the entire neighborhood and family.

Most of all I love her because she's my mom and she sacrificed
everything to be just that.

(This is a picture of my mom taken by my dad when they were dating.)

Vhari and I have been friends since Mr. Day's Geometry class in 8th grade. We really bonded over finding cosines I guess. Since then, we've stayed close through college and then becoming mothers ourselves. She has 2 adorable girls and a fantastic husband (who I've also known since jr. high). Vhari's mom rocks, just as she said. And that picture is the bee's knees! Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

5 Years

5 years ago today I married the guy I'm crazy about

I'm even crazier about him now.
(I think I'm also just crazier in general. But mostly for him).

I Love My Mother Because.... by Denae Holt

My Mom grew up very differently that most anyone I know, Both her parents died before she was 13. She has been through a lot and always tries her hardest to help others. She has many talents and can do almost anything (except crocheting, she says). She is a wonderful Grandma and loves to take the kids "Treasure Hunting" (Geo caching). She has taught me how to sew, cook, clean and use a computer. 

I am so grateful to have such wonderful parents who help me progress by watching my girls while I go to school and many other times so I can get out. I don't think I would have survived my divorce and my adventure of being a single Mom with out the help of my parents.

Denae has been my friend for 20 years (I can't believe we're old enough to have been friends for 20 years). She is an amazing mom, photographer, nurse, and friend. The girl can do anything and everything and she's absolutely adorable. I'm so glad I know her and can count her among my friends. Her mother Diana is awesome. I love her laugh and how she is always up to something good. And I remember in 1992 when I saw her "glamour shots" picture I stared at it for an hour because it was so gorgeous. Movie star material for sure. Happy Mothers Day, Denae and Diana!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Love My Mother Because.... by Vinnie Feller

I love my Mom because of the sacrifices she has made for me and my Sisters, and now my family. Her and my Dad divorced when I was 12 and she worked so hard to keep a roof over our head. She is such a hard worker and never ever stops. She loves my kids and is a great example of work. She knows how to fix everything, and knows everything. I hope that I can be like her one day. She loves to learn and accepts every challenge with open arms. My husband and her fight over who will put things together or who will fix is kinda funny. I just love her because she is a woman of knowledge and love!

I met Vinnie because our husbands were friends. She's a Canadian, and I know I shouldn't generalize or anything, but I've never met a Canadian I didn't like. Vinnie is the sweetest person and with 2 small busy kids her patience just astounds me. She's fun to hang out with and I can only imagine that her mother is as incredible as Vinnie says she is. Happy Mothers Day!

I Love My Mother Because.... by Laura Lewis

I love my mom because she would always tickle my face or scratch my back.

She made my Halloween costume every year,
and helped Santa fill my stocking.

She showed me how to bake,
and has taught me the importance of sharing with others.

She was always patient with me,
and allowed me to learn from my mistakes.

She let me play "dress up" with her wedding dress,
and taught me people are more valuable than things.

I love my mom because she gave me life....and taught me how to live & be happy!

I don't know when, maybe 6 months ago, on one of those "my kids are trying to ruin my life and I am a horrible mother" posts I am prone to writing, Laura left me a comment that was just what I needed to hear. I don't even remember what she said, but I remember feeling like somebody "got" me and everything was okay. From that comment, I got to her blog and have been uplifted and entertained ever since. She's a mother of 4 very lucky kids indeed who come up with the best "goofy" faces in photographs that I have ever seen. Thanks Laura, your mom must be terrific to turn out a kid like you. Happy Mothers Day!

I Love My Mother Because.... by Becca Laing

My Mom is my Hero because...

  • She has a firm testimony of Jesus Christ and his restored Church and her example shows through to all who know her.  
  • She Loves Unconditionally.  
  • She Loves everyone around her especially her Family.  
  • She is kind, thoughtful and patient.
  • She's a Saint, seriously, she put up with raising me...that says a lot!! ;)
  • She's always been there for me when I need her, even now I know she's only a phone call away.  
  • She's supportive...Sometimes I wish she would actually give some advice instead of saying, "pray about it and I know you will make the right decision"  if I just knew what she would do it would speed up my decision making process a little...
  • She knows how to laugh and have a good time.
  • She has many talents.  
  • Her life revolves around the Gospel and her Family.
  • She has always and continues to be supportive and interested in my life, my triumphs, my blessings, my family, callings, kids, bad days, talents and interests...  
  • She's constantly serving those around her, and doing it with a smile.  
  • She is always Teaching, Loving and Serving
  • She is the best Mother and Grandmother we could ask for!!! I hope I can become more like my mom with every passing day!!! 
I love you Mom!!!! Happy Mother's Day!!! 

How many people get to have a cousin and a best friend all in the same person? i do. And it's Becca. I've loved and looked up to her my whole life (even though she's at least a foot shorter than me). She's a mother of 4 adorable, well behaved, and hilarious children and the wife of a bishop.  Her fantastic mother is my Aunt Kathy. If you are wondering what a perfect woman would be like, it would be exactly like her. Her hugs are the sweetest, her laughs are the  richest, and her heart is the purest of anyone I know. Happy mothers day to two of my very favorite women! 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Love My Mother Because.... by Jennifer Wise

I love my mother because she is on my side.  I don't say that because she necessarily TAKES sides, but because she always thinks I am right and brilliant and good.  No matter what the situation is, she thinks I will do the right thing, that I should be supported, etc.  She has supported me in everything I've ever done in my life, especially the really hard things (like when the Spirit wouldn't leave me alone until I went on a mission, even though I really would have preferred to get married instead.  Not very many people supported me then, but she did.)  

She always encouraged creativity, and when she tried to teach me about things she loved (like cooking) she was patient enough to wait the several years it required for me to love it, too, and now I find that we have several things in common that we enjoy together.  I love her because she wasn't afraid to be a "scriptorian," even when some people used that term derogatorily.  

She doesn't like this picture (something about her chin???), so she may not be thrilled I'm posting it on the internet, but I love this picture!!  (And, come on!  Like *I* look really good here!)  But since I know my mom is always on my side, I know she will forgive me  :)  and enjoy it with me.  

Happy Mothers Day!

My cousin {Jennifer} is incredible. She's a mother of 3 lucky kids. She makes themed birthday cakes and throws the best birthday parties for her kids. I've always loved and looked up to Jen, but I feel like now, thanks to blogging, I know her better than I ever have. It's been fun to develop a friendship with my older, cooler, cousin. And her mother? Aunt Pam is amazing. She writes. She cooks. She thinks amazing thoughts. And she's related to me. Love her. And I love that picture Jennifer sent--Pam looks gorgeous and Jen's stunned baby face is absolutely adorable. Happy Mothers Day to 2 amazing mothers, my Aunt Pam and cousin Jennifer!

I Love My Mother Because.... by Andrea Young

I love my Mom because:
1) Her laugh--she has the best, most melodic laugh on the planet.  You can pick it out over any crowd.
2) She once drove over our neighbor's lawn to beat my dad and brothers home.  (She's pretty competitive.)
3) Even though she's only 53, she had no indoor plumbing until she got married so she tells some sweet stories about outhouse pranks.
4) She liked having me follow her around telling her every detail of my life.
5) Her bread and her chocolates.  Oh. My. Goodness.
6) She was willing to give birth 10 times so I could have 9 rockin' siblings.
7) That she and Dad race to the car.  Still.
8) Whenever I went through anything physically painful she would always hold onto my ankle.
9) She sang me goodnight songs every night when I was little.  When I got older, she sang me goodnight songs every once in awhile.  When I was in college, she sometimes called and sang me a goodnight song before I went to sleep.
10) She has the kind of faith that moves mountains.

Andrea and I met during a  Spanish program at BYU where we spent the summer pretending we knew how to conjugate verbs  and touring several Mexican cities. Andrea is a hoot, a mother of 4, and a lover of literature. Thanks Andrea, I wish you and yours a Happy Mother's Week!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


My friend Laura invited me to post on {her blog} today about my thoughts on Motherhood. If you have a minute you can go take a look.

Heather Mildenstein Photography

Heather took our Family Photos last month, and today she posted them on her {photo blog}. How did Dan and I come up with such cute kids?



I Love My Mother Because.... by Tia Fowles

I love my mother because she taught me about sacrifice and service. She set the example by always working so hard, and always giving everything she had for our family. I remember a time when she worked the 3:00 am - 8:00 am shift at Albertsons to help our family financially. She didn't come home and spend the rest of the day in bed either - as I would be tempted to do. She came home and raised 9 kids and ran our household. She is truly of pioneer stock.
I spent a lot of time in high school being embarrased by what she wore, or what she didn't wear. It wasn't until I realized that every last penny my parents made went to their children - the athletics and activities they were involved in, the dance lessons and competitions - that I came to appreciate her sense of fashion. There wasn't money left over to worry about fashion and style. There wasn't time in the day after raising nine kids and working to worry about facials and pedicures. She could have thrown in the towel and said, "No more. I want more for me." but she never did, she gave and gave and still gives and gives. Because she has always been the giver, I sometimes forget that she is her own person, with her own passions and interests. I forget to engage those things about her and talk to her about the things she loves to do. She is always too quick to ask about me and what I'm involved in for the conversation to turn to herself.
Another thing I admire about my mother is that she gave me independence and encouraged me to become my own person. I had different interests than most of my siblings, and that didn't deter her support. She came to my dance performances, sewed costumes, paid for $120 dance shoes, and sat there round after round at my competitions. It wasn't her passion, but you would have never known it by her support of me being involved in it.
I love my mother and am so thankful she has taught me and trained me. I don't know how she did it with what she was up against, but she did an amazing job.

{Tia} has been my friend since 4th grade, and when my brother married her sister, we basically adopted her as an extra sibling (we love her that much). Tia became an aunt when she was quite young, and she's been a second mother to every niece and nephew in the family. Tia's mother Linda Roskelley is fantastic. Her quilting abilities and fabric stash are impressive; the 9 hilarious and wonderful children she turned out are the best testament of what a great mom she is. Linda and Tia, Happy Mothers Day to you both!


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