Remember last year how I lamented that no one likes to share {Easter Monday} with me? Well, this year I took matters into my own hands and invited my family over for the Hungarian festivities.
Mind you, in Hungary you don't have to invite people, they just come spontaneously. Here's the cliff's note's version of the holiday: On the Monday following Easter the girls get dolled up and dye red easter eggs and make yummy goodies. The boys get gussied up and go around visiting all the women they know (relatives, girlfriends, neighbors, etc.) The boys will recite a poem to the girls about how beautiful they are and what not and then they will spritz the girl with water or perfume--it's meant to help them to continue to grow pretty like a flower.

My mother was a dear and took Maggie for the afternoon, allowing me to make this:
Then the party moved inside for the real fun. Each guest was asked to compose a "sprinkling" poem.
How may you tell if you're Lady or Tramp?
The latter is dry... the former is damp
Neither appear nor act like a doggy
The tramp will be parched, the lady soggy.
- Joel
Have any a rash?
Or perhaps a few zits?
I'll give her a splash
and indeed a few spritz
For in this magical potion of mine
Is liver of newt and sinew of swine
Believe me or not
I will give you my word
Whatever you've got
With this spray shall be cured.
- Joel
Meridee is the prettiest girl from earth or outer space,
So, consequently, I'm going to squirt some water in her face.
- Lind (my pops)
Lincoln (age 7) had 2 rhyming couplets:
I will get you wet
If you fly a jet.
- Lincoln
and because he's recently become the master of bird watching:
I will give you a spray
if you catch a Jay.
- Lincoln
Asher's dear verse was barely audible, I'm afraid, but he sure was glad to get his daddy in the face with the squirt bottle.
Mom had 2 great poems. The first was an acrostic:
Requires our
Interest in
Nuzzling and
Kissing them--
-Meridee (my ma)
Take this... and that.
In your face and on your hair.
Don't be sad, and don't be
I only do it because I care.
- Meridee
Dan was the only participant to steal his poem from {the world wide interweb}. But he was also the only one to invent actions to accompany the recitation. It was so good, we had him do it several times.
Then I wrote a little limerick: (In order to get the rhyme scheme, you'll have to know that Budapest is pronounced Budapesht.)
There was a fair beauty from Budapest
Who always was primped, polished, well-dreshed.
The boys came a-squirting,
'Twas their way of flirting,
And they left her quite drenched but impreshed.
- Megan (that's me.)
Awesome! I actually made paprikas csirke the other day. It was nasty! Granted, I was hoping my paprika from Hungary -- from a few years ago, would still be good. It wasn't. But the nokedli was mmm mmm good. The girls even liked it!:)
Wow megs that looked like so much fun. Do you think your parents might adopt me? You throw the coolest, most fun, beautiful parties. Incredible!
That was awesome! I completely enjoyed ever second if reading this post! What an awesome tradition for the Hungarians and how awesome to share it! Dude- the peoms were just awesome! Way to go Lincoln!
I love this tradition! How fun!!!
How much fun is that?!?! That looks SO fun! You are the queen of good times, I'm tellin' ya!
Wow!! You guys are true poetry artistes. My favorite was Joel's first: "the latter is dry, the former is damp." Spectacular. I'm so glad you had this celebration.
you are so much fun! We celebrate Easter Monday in Canada, I am sad it isnt here...although we dont do all those hungarian is just a holiday!
the poems are priceless, and each I could hear in the author's voice. Awesome party. As always.
I'm sure you noticed, but I ate three servings of dessert. sorry I'm such a pig. quit making such good desserts! then I won't eat so much!
Joel was embarrassed, afterwards, about his poems, but it made me fall in love with him MORE! I married a poet!
How fun! And so unique!!
Yours was the best.
I love it Megs- How fun! I'm going to throw a party w/my family when I get home- invites and all. Sounds like a blast!
Megan, what a great party! I loved all the poems, such talented people in your family :)
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