Friday, June 11, 2010

To Do List: Future Projects

Two project ideas have been bouncing around my head ever since the internet introduced them to me. I. Must. Try. Them. Or since I have a hard time actually completing any projects, maybe one of you can, and tell me how it goes.

First: we have the amazing {Napoleon Dynamite mural Design Mom did in her son Ralph's room}.  My Brother Joel asked me, "Would you really want an enormous picture of Napoleon Dynamite in your house?" I said, "Yes!" Really. Why wouldn't I? But I'm actually thinking that an enormous Nacho Libre in the twins' room would be even cooler. If possible.

Something to think about. Also, it's just paint. If you get tired of it in a year, paint over it. I don't anticipate ever getting tired of it, though. A fat guy in a cape a spandex. Hilarious. 24-7-365, 4-ever

Next project: Don't we all have a plastic Little Tikes play house? You don't? Well, I do. And my sister in law does. And my neighbor down the street does. And the yard sale in the culdesac does. And does your  plastic little tykes house look faded, stained, old, neglected and kinda beat up? Oh my heck! Mine does, too! Well, on {Ohdeedoh} somebody took some spray paint to the toy and painted it to match their real house. For cute! 

It used to be white with a pink door and a blue roof. Would I be a loser mom if I painted Maggie's house and gave it to her again for her birthday? Probably. Oh well. I might do it anyway.


Cherringtons said...

i want a napoleon on my bedroom wall in a bad way. I have two walls, i could put jack black on the other one. I'm really liking this idea.

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

That Napoleon Dynamite on the wall is SO AWESOME! I love it!

And great idea to spray paint the tykes house. If it's a different color, Maggie might not realize she's getting her own house for her birthday. Especially if it has Napoleon Dynamite on one of the walls.

K said...

No. No. With that mural thing, you have become, I don't know - outre. In my world. Just a little. No. No. Really? A lot. Ugly is not the next - ummm - anything. Can't go there. Bless your heart. And you were so young . . .

Kristina P. said...

I need to start working on my husband with the idea that we will soon be having a giant Hoff picture on our wall.

EmmaP said...

That Krylon Spray paint for plastics is WAY cool! My kids have used it a hundred times!!! I say go for it!!! and redo any other big play toy to regift! hahaha!

Rhonda said...

I love the Napoleon wall! My hubby kinda sorta looks like jack black (or he did in the days he sported that awful mustache) so I don't know if I'd want THAT on the wall per say. lol

Do it! Paint the little tikes house and regive it to her! :)


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