Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Swamp Cooler Woes

When it gets hot, I get crabby. I can't stand being in a warm place, unless I'm sitting in a pool of cool water. If it's over 75 degrees, I can't handle it. Unless I'm swimming, which is something I can't do alone with 3 small children.

Here's the part where my husband is a saint. On Saturday he set up our swamp cooler, bought new pads, bought a new pump, got the thing all ready to go. And then it died yesterday. So made another two trips to the hardware store and he fixed it. Then it died again.  We're pretty sure it has something to do with the gnarly spliced wires one of our homes 6 previous owners rigged up there.

Today he's at work like a responsible hard working husband. And I'm at home with 3 children, trembling at the 87 degree weather forecast today. I hope we make it. And I hope my husband knows I'm grateful for his efforts, even though I'm bound to be a grouch when he walks in the door tonight. A sweating sunburned grouch.


Jennifer's Kitchen said...

Oh, sister, I hear ya! Heat is NOT a nice thing. I'm glad Dan is so saint-y; hopefully it will work out soon. !!!! If you can make it through today, it looks like the forecast gets better over the next few days!

Meikel said...

Hello dear Megan,
Yes it is the Provo Farmers Market, but don't worry I got their business card! Here is the pinatas website:

Tigersue said...

Oh, I can so relate to those things breaking down. What we go through when central air is out of budget.

Load up on ice, let the kids take a cool bath, and hang in there.

I find on those days when it is too hot I am grateful to not be a pioneer in a long hot dress working out in the fields.

In the mean time do what my parents did. Open all the windows in the evening. Then close them very early in the morning. It can help keep the cool air in for a few hours anyway.

Ginna said...

Oh I'm with you my friend. It's awful. We have no air and no swamp cooler here. I'm so glad we're moving. All I can say is FANS FANS FANS and that's all. Don't die.
The other day we were so hot that all I did was sit on the couch and play mario kart with Max all afternoon. Like 4 hrs. And I was still crabby at the end. :)

K said...

But Megs - here's another bit to think about. Swamp coolers only really work when the air is DRY. We are not presently DRY. So the cooler wouldn't really be cooling your air even if it didn't work, and it would be adding more and more water to the air, so if you were running it, you would actually not even be able to sweat and have it evaporate off of you, which is what cools you down. If you have fans (you DO have fans?), put a couple where you and the kids will be doing stuff, and THAT will cause your skin to cool down much more efficiently than the swamp cooler would do over these next horrible rainy, swampy days.

Holli and Billy said...

Oh, swamp coolers... I feel your pain. Especially being pregnant. Luckily, Billy's parents were thinking ahead and last summer they bought us a nice window air conditioner for our bedroom. Now our bedroom is seriously 30 degrees cooler than the rest of our house. LOVE IT!

Angela said...

Oh no! I hope the swamp cooler gets fixed soon! In the meantime - looks like it's time for the sprinkler/kiddie pool...or pack up and head to the closest friend/relative with a/c for a LONG playdate! I've also been known to hit the mall just to get out of the heat!

EmmaP said...

mine breaks at least 3 times per summer. and we end up changing the pump every single year. I was ready for central air like yesterday! oh, and mine only works on "low cool". So, on extremely hot days, you'll find me in the hallway -- standing directly under that beast!

Dan said...

What're pretty awesome are that the cooler is now in tip top working condition albeit not blowing as cold as when water was dripping down the shaft and that the weather forecast on this post updates itself everyday. That's incredible!


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