Hajni and Zita, two of my dearest Hungarian friends, are in town. We've been together laughing, eating, laughing, and watching my children create disasters. I guess my children are a little wilder than your average Hungarian kid because one of my friends asked "Are your kids always this bad?" Yes, I think they are. But I love them.
It is wonderful having my friends here from so far away.
ha ha. Never thought about Hungarian kids being calm, but it could be true. I bet they are just as wild at home where they are not the guest.
Oh, dear. Americans may just be a little = energetic for the Old Countries. Now, I want to ask you - is that a stapler suspended in a jello mold? And if so - why?
My personal opinion (not that anyone asked) is that it takes a village to raise a child and in America--the village is pretty darn lenient. Example: calling an adult by the first name. I think the distinction between adult and child is blurred here and kids sense that all over the place and it makes it harder at home.
Just my thought.
I had to laugh at K's question. I am soooo loving that shirt and, I for one, get it. For once. Awesome.
And life always seems to slow down when you've got friends around.
I'm so happy for you!!! Have a great time. And don't worry about the kids. (P.S. I totally agree with Andrea's comment about adult first names.)
Cheeseboy, I tell myself that my kids would have been calmer at someone else's home but I don't know if that's a lie. It makes me feel better anyway.
Kristen, yes it is a stapler in jello. It's from an episode of the tv show "the office." There's a guy Jim that always plays pranks on a crazy guy named Dwight. One of the pranks was that Jim suspended Dwights stapler in jello, placed it on a platter, and put it in a drawer of Dwight's desk. I won the shirt at one of Marilyn's fantastic parties.
Andrea, I think that in America we are a bit more lenient on some things. Also, in Hungary people have one, maybe two kids and generally not 3 kids who are 20 months apart. They are not used to children en masse and they don't have large yards to let them run around in.
i want to talk to you about your t shirt, because i recognize it from the british office, and i love it.
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