Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Kindergarten Highlight

Okay, please comment and tell me what to call this segment. I realized that "Overheard in Kindergarten" doesn't really work since most of the hilarities are directed straight to my face. Anyway, here is a gem!
  • It's RED RIBBON WEEK the week designed for teachers to threaten their students not to ruin their lives with stupid substances. Yesterday I made the little muffins swear not to do drugs. Today we talked about smoking. We looked at a picture of normal lungs and smoker lungs and discussed some of the effects of smoking. To illustrate, I read the kids a version of the 3 little pigs in which the Big Bad Wolf is a chain smoker. When he goes to blow the house down, he huffs and puffs, but just ends up coughing and hacking. The straw house never moved. Afterwards as the kids were getting ready to go home, Alec says to me, "Teacher, I haven't been smokin'--but guess what? If I laugh real hard, I still cough."

[Side note: its rather striking for me to compare the kids in my class this year in a relatively affluent area in Layton with the kids I taught on the west side of Salt Lake City. I celebrated Red Ribbon week with both classes and in Salt Lake each kid had a drug bust story (often in their own home!) whereas in Layton only one kid had a dad who smoked cigarettes. I wish that kids never had to experience horrible things.


Ginna said...

I wish that for kids too. Isn't it tough how some people just start out life in such hard and terrible situations? It makes me sad.

I'm definitely not good at thinking up names for stuff like this (witness my "old pictures" title) but maybe you could call it Sillies from Kindergarten, or Tales from Kindergarten or something like that.

I love it by the way, keep it up :)

Marielle said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I will so be stalking you from now on! I love your kindergarten stories. Especially the integer one. Scott was laughing really hard at that.

Keep blogging!
Marielle (and Scott)

Camie said...

So funny! I love the kindergarten comments... they truly are so innocent and say the darndest things. I am so excited that we are blogging buddies :) Thanks so much for coming to the party and bringing you adorable little chicken-- it was so fun!

K said...

It really does kill you as a teacher to fall in love with the kids, seeing their potential so clearly - and then watching as their homes and friends tear them to pieces.

I hope you are capturing all these "overheard" comments - you may actually do a book some day.


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