Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Coca-Cola Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink!

So, this happened last week but I never got it posted. Here it is. Late. But still good. Poor Maggie shows us what its like to be the daughter of a diet coke drinker who doesn't share. It's for her own good. Hopefully she'll understand when she's older. Poor baby.


Ginna said...

what an adorable girl. I need to talk to you so we can get together before I have to leave!!

{Erica} said...

That is so funny! Funny that she got it from the garbage, funny that she's attempting to take a swig and funny that you're recording and laughing...totally something I would do! what a cute girl!

Jenae said...

Hilarious! How did I not know that you were a Diet Coke addict?! How long sister? How long?

Tiffany said...

Oh man--that Maggie is too funny! I loved how she was trying and trying to get a drink from that huge bottle! Lol When are you going to invite me over for a Diet Coke party?

Megan said...

Diet coke is a new development for me. I've only done the diet thing for about a year. And addict...well, I'm not THAT bad. But I do likes me my diet coke. Tiffany, you come over for a coke ANYTIME. Come right now.

Emily Rasmussen said...

That was so cute. Bridger walks around with my empty soda cans too sometimes trying with all his might to get at lest one drop. I love when they surprise you with their "grownupness" which is so cute because it so still so far from grown up. Way cute!


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