Sunday, March 20, 2011

Princesses According to Maggie

The other night as we drove in the car, Maggie asked if she should entertain us with a story. "Oh sure," I responded not sure what she had in mind.

"Well, Seeping Booty starts when she got born. And the prince was just a kid and him daddy was SO big and him had huge arms and a RARY big tummy. Then, on her sixteen bir-day her prick her finger on a spindle AND DIE. Then the prince get her and the spell was broken and they live happy ever after," she recited.

"Wow," I said.

"And snow white"--she continued--"Starts when her rary mean mother wants her die. And her runs. And her find a house that SO dirty. And there are 7 elves. I say elves 'cause it hard to say other word."

"You mean dwarves?" I said.

"Yeah. Darves," she said. "And them love her take care of them. And the mean mom, stepmother, poison her. Her die. And then her live happy ever after."

"Who saved her?" I asked.

"The prince," she answered.

Then she paused and said, "Lot of them princesses die. But not Cinder-eya. Her spell just got broken."

She tells a better story than Walt Disney himself.

P.S. I'm really going to miss her grammar when she learns to speak properly.


Camille said...

That is classic. Like Mark Twain. Took me a minute to hear the voice, but once I did, Oh man!

Jennifer said...

Oh, that is SO DANG CUTE!!! I love it. My favorite is, "I say elves 'cause it hard to say other word." LOVE IT!

Ginna said...

Love that Magster!

Kati said...

That was SO CUTE!!!

Andee said...

I could almost hear the word myself! DARN cute!!

Amy said...

Oh my goodness, so cute. I love how she says "her" instead of "she."

Cheeseboy said...

Poisoning people always ends happily. That's the beauty of Disney.


Emily Rasmussen said...

sounds just like my angeli! love it! Except Maggie is more concise...Angeli sort of goes on and on about Every little event she found interesting. "And what is that one guys name he likes Bell? Oh, yeah, Gaston. He is a bad guy, with big arms and he spits a lot. (laughing)That is bad. And he shots things. that is really bad too. He climbs on the roofs of houses. that is so crazy! (laughing)..."

mountains-to-climb said...

That's so adorable!!!

Melissa Clark said...

Ha ha ha! I love it! I am finally bloggin again. Hope you like them. I love your blog always. It makes me laugh and be happy. Thank you. :) Play dates when it get's warmer? email me your phone number Miss your funny optimism. xoxo

K said...

What's interesting to me is what she reveals as she includes the details that have taken her attention. The big arms, for instance. And how she groups her concepts. There's analytical thinking going on in there, for certain. I think what may charm us most about children-talk is the connections they make - odd to us, because we've long ago built our "normal" matrix of notice and observation. They wake us up, jolt us a little, by seeing differently.

The Tuck Family said...

Totally off the subject....but I just heard about your Grandpa. I am so sorry, I hope you and your family are doing ok. My prayers are with you.


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