Friday, July 16, 2010

Hey Everybody, Hanson's Back, or Still Around, or Whatever.


Despite the fact that my blog is named after their biggest hit, and I had a calendar, and several life sized posters of them adorning the walls of my bedroom in high school, I really haven't thought much about Hanson since 1999. I saw them once on MTV cribs. And I do have several of their songs on my running playlist--mostly because it takes my brain to a comfortable "I have no cares in the world" place that my brain rarely gets to go to.

Then my friend Emily, one of the few people in the world, like myself, who will openly admit to liking Hanson, told me about the upcoming Hanson tour coming to Salt Lake City. Serious? I mean, I knew they were still together because they're brothers and all. But I didn't know they were still doing the music recording thing and the singing in front of large crowds of screaming girls thing.

So, now I'm thinking that I need to go to this concert--which is a big idea for me since the concerts I've attended can be counted on one hand, and the concerts I've actually paid to attend can be counted on one finger. Yeah, I'm not generally the concert type. 

But now maybe I will be. What's Mmmboppin' without Hanson? I guess I owe them.


Kristina P. said...

You definitely need to go and report back!

Cheeseboy said...

Where are they playing? A small club? The soccer stadium? Rice Eccles????

Definitely go. At very least it will make perfect blogging fodder.

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

GO!!! I am like you about concerts--can count the number I've attended on one hand. But this is HANSON. And YOU. You should totally go! It will put you in that happy, comfortable place. And then you can blog about it!!!

And I can say this because I'm twice their age, but look how cute they are!

Ems said...

you DO owe them! and you owe me...we're so going to this lady.

LL said...

I thought they were BLOND?

Rhonda said...

awesome! They better sing MMMMMbop!

We went to a big New Years Even celebration once and the B52's were headlining. We waited and waited for them to sing Loveshack (we didn't even know hardly any of their other songs)...and then we were like.Ohhhh I bet they are waiting and they'll do that one right before or right after the clock strikes midnight. Nope. Never did it. How do you not play your BIGGEST HIT? stuuuupid.

Heather said...

What?!?! Best news EVER!

Anna said...

Yes, I was downtown at the Gateway mall today and saw them listed on the upcoming concerts sign at The Depot. The first thing I thought was, I need to make sure Megan knows about this! You definitely have to go. You must pay homage to them for supplying you with such a swell blog name!

EmmaP said...

i fully support you going to this concert!

i really wanted to John Mayer 2 years ago when he came here. He was going to be here for 1 day in July. It was May at the time. I remember thinking, I will just download his latest album from iTune, and that will have to do. Because, after all, $10 is better than $80 or whatever the ticket cost. However, the new album was the LIVE TOUR album of the tour he was currently on!!! I only had to listen for about 5 minutes, before I was moved to tears and entering my cc # for TWO tickets to his concert, hahaha!

A few weeks later, I met big-d and talked him into taking me. it was the most exciting concert ever!!!

(oh, and I've only been to 4 live concerts... #1)Mo-Tab Christmas (does that count?), 2)Vienna Boys Choir, 3) Riverdance (well, not exaclty a concert) and 4) John Mayer. betcha can guess which was my fav! hahaha

Go, dear Megs! Go!!!! Get Thee Hansen!

Hill Call said...

This picture is both awesome and revolting! I think you should go, maybe it will open your world to better concert experiences.....

Holdinator said...

If only for nostalgia's sake, these are the important things to do in life. Especially if you never had the chance to see them back in your fan days.

Sharlyn said...

So when is this concert? Go! They look different than I remember them,'s been a long time since I've seen them :)


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