1) Mine religion (If you don’t put this as number one then you end up in hell).
2) Nerf products. Particularly the ones that are gun/projectile themed
3) My Family. I’m the youngest of 7, so once you throw in the parents this one pretty much uses up all my love capacity. Don’t tell anyone, but every now and then when I get love-overloaded sometimes one of my family members fall off the list until I can reboot and get them back up there.
4) Ebay. Even though it sucks. This one is here as a space filler.
5) The sweet embrace of a bosomy woman.
6) My car. This may sound stupid, but we’ve had some crazy adventures together. I would feel horrible if it got dumped in acid ala Nightrider.
7) Rocks. Obviously I’m not in LOVE with rocks, but they are pretty great. This is really more of a creepy obsession. Heh, that would make a great name for a new cologne. “Creepy Obsession, by Calvin Cline”. Good times
8) Dr. Pepper. Even though it has made me as fat as a summer hog.
9) The sweet embrace of another bosomy woman
10) Exploring stuff. This one is a little vague. I like looking around and finding things. It’s the thrill of the hunt, I suppose.
11) Lady Gaga. She so crazy. I can read her poker face. She’s got two Kings, a six, a two and the little card that states the rules of the game.
12) Routine. I’m a man who also enjoys routine. This sounds like it sucks, but don’t worry. I bail on a routine once it gets REALLY boring. I just love having things planned out.
13) Collecting things. It’s pretty great. Plus it’s a substitute for a fulfilling family life! So lonely.
14) Day of the Dead. That crazy Mexican dead-person Christmas. I guess I can’t say that I LOVE it, but I like it. Oingo Boingo kinda fits in here too. They are a band. A great band. Perhaps the best band. If you know them then you know how they fit in there.
RUNNER UP – Friends.
This has, by far, been the best list posted on the 14 days of love.
HILARIOUS!!! this was enjoyable :)
Megan! Of course I know you, how are you? I am so glad that you left a comment so I can look at your awesome blog! And WHERE can I buy your amazing onsies, I love that hungry as a wolf one and the elephant!
tee hee... so, are both bosomy women required to be there hugging you at the same time in order for it to be enjoyable???
and I guess as far as that goes, I'd say that I can't identify... I've yet to have a bosomy man hug me. so, i don't really know what it is like! lol! but I will say, that sometimes the "girls" may just get in the way! ;)
Megan, you and Dan have been very selfish in keeping this guy to yourselves. Next time you are doing lunch, I'm in. Great list! I'm trying to think if I know any bosomy women who would like to be embraced one right after the other. Is Scott a Latino or are there now two non-Latino Utahans who love Day of the Dead?
I love that a family member or two sometimes falls off the list of love. The same happens to me. I will now stop feeling bad about it.
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