Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!

Today I've really missed hearing 5 year olds repeatedly say things like this:

"Teacher, there's a spider on your head! April Fools!"


"Teacher, you just stepped on a fish. April Fools!"

It's been really quiet today without it.


K said...

I know this feeling on so many levels.

Ginna said...

Wish I could've lent you max for a few minutes. I actually waited to tell him about April Fools until about 6 because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the aftermath all day.
He loved it. It was solid april fools from 6 to bed.

Marilyn said...

Abe thought it was really tricky to write his name backwards on his school papers, and say repeatedly "Mommy, I don't like vehicles at all!" (Evidently April Fool's is sort of like "Opposite Day" in his mind?)


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