We've finally trained The Mags to fall asleep by herself in her big girl bed (Yes, that would make the 1,237th time we've claimed to sleep train her).
Now, can someone tell me how to get her to keep her pajamas on? We put her in bed every night with her zip-up footie jammies and without fail she'll be nude by morning and feeling like an ice cube.
Has anybody read a book on how to fix that?
Laira does this still she loves the way the fleece feels so she goes nudie to feel it all over.
BUT in the past we have used little tiny safety pins to pin the zipper to the jammies.
Denae is right. Safety pins. My kids got smart on me and learned how to undo the safety pins as well so I started to put on their footy jammies backwards and safety pin them closed. I'm still doing that with my oldest.......just kiddin......
LeGrand thinks duct tape can fix anything....I'm sure you can get creative;) No really we did the safety pins too......Good luck!!! We love you!!
My sister in law swears by safety pinning the zippers. Sounds like that's what others have tried as well:)
My niece always had hot feet so she was always taking off her jammies to cool off her feet. Try her in jammies without feet for a couple of nights and see if it makes a difference. Good Luck:)
Luckily I haven't run into this problem, yet....and not to just jump in line but the safety pin idea sounds like it would do the trick. But hearing how quick Mags is I bet she'll have that one figured out in no time!
Have you tried the dress jammies? She's one who just might like 'em better, I know Ash prefers them she says she doesn't get so hot. Her favorites are the silky ones...I'd prefer those too!
Cut off the feet on the pj's and then put it on backwards so she can't get it off....it could just work!
Crank up the heat and let her go naked! My boys have slept in their underwear since they started wearing underwear. We make them put clothes on when we have guests over. :)
duct tape...and i'm being serious....it'll take about a week or two of her trying to take them off...and then she'll give up.
ps did the safety pins but she knew how to pull them and then she poked herself ...figured that out when she started screaming at the top of her lungs!!
put then on backwards, if they are like sleepers...
Backwards is good. You can always cut off the feet. Safety pin at the neck? No. Sew her in.
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