Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I finally got to hold my newest niece, Mary, today. Her daddy, Joel, brought her over to my mothers for a few minutes--and I couldn't wait to get her out of that carrier and into my arms. She was so sweet and tiny. However, I was not prepared for Maggie's reaction.

She threw a fit--screaming and clawing at me. So I passed Mary off to Dan, picked up Mags, and carried her out of the room. She calmed down and cuddled with me. Then Dan came in with Mary and the whole fiasco repeated. She did not want either of us to hold that baby. Which leads us to the issue at hand:

What is Maggie going to do when we're each holding a baby? We're going to have to start exposing her to more babies. If you have one, come over. It might get scratched, bruised, hit, or slightly bloodied but we need it for training purposes. We'll pay you in Cheerios (we still have a ton of boxes left after my cereal shopping deals).

The good news is that I called my darling 95 year old Grandma tonight to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. Bless her heart, she told me just how excited she is for us to have these twins and that we don't need to be afraid at all because she's been praying for us. It brought me so much comfort to hear her say that. She is such a go-getter, still living by herself, knitting hats and blankets like crazy for the humanitarian programs in the church, watching jeopardy, pouring over the scriptures, and reading good books. And when I told her about Dan's grandpa passing away she said wistfully, "Oh, good for him. I tell the Lord he can take me anytime. I've been here long enough." She misses that wonderful husband of hers. I'm not at all anxious for her to leave us but I know she's done it up just right here on earth.

Happy Mother's Day to you Grandma--and thanks for the best Mother's Day present ever which was knowing you believe in us and you've enlisted some help from on-high.


Kel said...

I had the exact same experience with my almost two year old, and a nephew. When my little boy was born, about 4 weeks ago, his sister wasn't a huge fan at first. Luckily, it only took a couple of days for her to warm up. Now she loves him. I think the key is to keep her involved - she helps me get a diaper and the wipes when he needs his diaper changed, she gets his pacifier when he is upset, and she loves to hold him when I ask her for her help. I am sure your little one will love your new additions in no time - when they come.

Becca said...

Oh Megan, I'm glad you got to see Mary!! I can't wait till I get to hold her. Oh I could just see the fiasco, but don't worry too much. Maggie will love being a BIG sister. She will love to be your big helper!! I know Kolby isn't tiny anymore, but he's still little and he's pretty tough;) Let's get together and see if we can get her usedto a baby boy!! ;) We love you guys and wish we could get together more often. You guys are some of our favorite people!! We love you!!

Emily Rasmussen said...

If I had a little baby I'd tell Stew it was an emergency and we'd head to Utah right now!!! :O)

and Yes, Megan if you had any idea how many prayers are given in your little family's behalf I think you'd feel like the most prepared mom on earth!:O)

Remember Grandparents!!! They will hold whoever needs to be held too. And if Maggie is like Bridger there will be moments when she gives big kisses and hugs to her brothers and others when she will want those babies to hit the road. But then one day you'll wake up and she will want nothing more then to wake them up and start playing with them.

I believe in you too! Happy Mother's Day!

PS Will someone post pics of Mary? I know that is so selfish of me but I love seeing those new new babies!:O)

Tiffany said...

I love you Megs, you always put things in such great perspective. Your g'ma is darling- what a sweet lady. I hope you had a GREAT Mom's Day!

EmmaP said...

When Kienna was born and the boys came to the hospital, Kadin took one look at me holding a baby, shouted "No!" turned and walked back to the door and said, "Wanna go home!" He was 22 mos at the time. Then, when he saw how much attention the baby was getting, he wanted to go back to bottles and pacifiers. Once he realized we weren't getting rid of her, he eventually accepted the idea. Now they are either laughing like best buds or fighting like worst enemies; perfect sibling dynamics. Just be grateful she doesn't do that high-pitched screeching thing anymore! :-)

Kristalyn said...

Megan-I just have to tell you that I love reading your blog..I always get excited when I realize that I haven't checked it in a week or so 'cuz I know there will be lots of enertaining things to read about. I have learned to hold Mason and Carter at the same time...I have full confidence that you'll find a way to hold 3...if need be.
I so wish that we could come and let Maggie get used to babies around Carter, he's already used to being poked etc.
Good luck with moving!

K said...

We never had much problem with that baby rivalry thing here. But Gin was mellow and so was Cam. Ch was five when M was born, so I got to do a lot of talking to her, first. Maybe if you get Maggie a "baby" like a sock monkey or something, and you get one two, and you can practice being the old ladies, cuddling babies together. Get a bottle and let Maggie feed her "baby."

I guarantee that this will NOT change the fit-throwing when the boys actually are born. But it might help in the long run. You've got your hands full, babe.

And as for your grandmom - you have been very blessed in family all along, dear one.


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