Monday, March 17, 2008

So Much in Love

I dream of having art. As it is, I have none. I have three prints from DI that are great as far as being from DI is concerned, but I'd really like to have some cool framed prints in my house some day. I wish I had some artist friends who would give me stuff in exchange for, oh I don't know, babysitting, or raspberry jam or something like that. But I don't. So I'll have to buy art like normal people.

Anyway, tonight I was browsing on Etsy and discovered the prints that I want for the kitchen that I do not have:

I also found some other prints that I really want but don't know where I want them. Basically I want to buy this girl's entire shop.

Aren't they lovely? God bless you Dazeychic!

oh, and P.S. St. Patrick's Day was great--'cept I forgot to snap pictures! One big day down, 3 to go.


Vhari said...

Everything is going to work out, just like your St. Patty's Day festivities. I can't wait until you move closer so we can hang out. If anyone can do it, you can Megs and you will!

K said...

Just went to Lonsdales' house for dinner. I wanted to lie down at die. It's perfect. Wonderful. Gorgeous. And one of the grand things about it is that they have been buying art all along, since they were first married. Not lots. Just a piece here and there. From artists who were not that well known, but who have done good work and gotten attention.

One suggestion: pay attention to the Provo Art galleries. There's a new show in the Covey center every month or so. New artists. Interesting artists.

Me? I just stick quilts up.

Ems said...

yay, I love to buy Etsy crap! we should get together sometime and just ohh and ahh over sellers.

Emily Rasmussen said...

I caught that Megan! Very sneaky! Well, I sort of cheated since Mom Ras already told us but still I just wanted to say I see that little change and I couldn't more excited for you guys! Congrats! And I want to hear every detail of the Ultrasound when it all sinks in! Love you!


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