Monday, January 28, 2008

[Government Health Warning!]

Do NOT swallow bubble gum!


Ginna said...

hah! It took me a minute!
Hey, I love Maggie's list of tasks--those are very good and important. And it makes me feel a little better, because I've been making Max do those tasks for a while now. I especially like the one about staying the pew. It's quite a task, isn't it?

Myra Bybee said...

Ha ha ha! oh my that is a funny one! I am glad our friendship has now moved beyond facebook to the blogger world!

The Tuck Family said...

Hillarious!!!! :-o

Beth said...

The longer I look at the picture, the funnier it is to me. I swallowed bubble gum a lot when I was a kid. Since it takes decades to digest, maybe this will be me pretty soon. I just hope I can be wearing white panties over my black spandex shorts when it does.

K said...

Okay. You are officially CRAZY! I am so bad, I made everybody look at it - and not that much makes Guy actually laugh out loud. What must it be like to live in your brain???

Charlotte says it's not that hard to pass bubble gum . . .

Kirsten said...

That picture is great! I got a good laugh at it and I am also so glad spandex isn't as "in" right now!! I need to show this picture to the kids...Hailey is always swallowing gum, but I don't think this would detour them. They would probably laugh their heads off and keep on swallowing more-just for the right effect! :)
P.S. Have you made tooth fairy pillows in your class? Ethan just brought one home and I thought of you and this craft you could do. It is right up your alley, sewing and felt! ;)

Marcus and Jenny said...

haaaa. THAT just made my day!


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