Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Maggie is a Very Important Person

Mags goes to preschool now. I don't know if I mentioned that before. She loves it! And I'm really happy that she gets some time to do her own thing without the constant ruckus of 2 little brothers.

Yesterday Maggie, the lucky duck, got to be the V.I.P. in her class.

I spent way more time than I care to admit creating this poster so that I could take it to her class and get this picture of her looking slightly annoyed holding it. But they sang "Happy Birthday" to her, complete with cha-cha-cha's, so in the end I think it was worth it.


Rhonda said...

dang. I'm a loser mom. I usually just tape a bunch of photos to a posterboard and roll it up and shove it in their backpack on the way out the door. That looks SO cute! LUcky VIP!

Kirsten said...

Cutest job ever! I love it when mom's take the time to help their kids and their projects. It was fun for me to learn more about Maggie too! ;-D

Sharlyn said...

That's an awesome poster, awesome cutie pie, and awesome Mommy!

Angie Lewis said...

Gotta love the cha-cha-cha's (I learned those from being a teacher). Super cute! :)

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

That is a BEAUTIFUL poster!!! It's something you can keep for her. Way to go! I'm laughing at your "so I could take it to her class and get this picture of her looking slightly annoyed holding it." (That personally is why I do everything. That is why I get up in the morning even when I'm sick to make lunch for people to bring back home uneaten so they can say, "I don't like gogurts.") BTW, I'm very happy for Maggie (and you) that she gets to go to preschool. Preschool is a gift from God for all parties.

Cheeseboy said...

Great work. Now as a first grade teacher, can I just tell you that the smart parents just keep that poster and update it every year. The VIPs never end.


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