Lately I've been helping out at my grandparent's house. Among other things, I've been doing a lot of cleaning. And I realized something--or remembered it, or whatever: I don't hate cleaning. I actually really like it.
I like scrubbing toilets. I like dusting furniture. I like washing mirrors. I like wiping down counters. I like it. It's kind of calming and relaxing to leave things shiny, clean, and smelling good.
This led me to ponder why I've lost that loving feeling with house work at my own home. And I figured it out: It's the futility of it. It's knowing that even if I scrub down the entire bathroom, someone is going to puke in there. Or poo in the tub. Or smear toothpaste on the floor. Or overflow the toilet. Or get into my make-up...
When I clean my grandfolks' house, the two white haired darlings don't ruin it. They enjoy the cleanliness as much as I do. It's wonderful.
So, I think I'll keep reminding myself that I do like cleaning, and look forward to the day when things can stay a little tidier. Hopefully I won't have to wait until I'm in my 80's like grandma...
*fingers in ears singing "lalalala"* Don't remind me that one day my precios 1-year-old will transform into a whirlwind. Life is bliss with one low-maintenance toddler.
My entire family needs cleaning lessons from yours.
but sad will it be when we are sitting in a clean house...alone?
I try to tell myself that when my work never feels done around here (always, ha ha!)
Hang in there!
I feel EXACTLY the same way. I don't mind cleaning. I love the satisfaction of things looking better and shining and smelling good when I'm done. And then to watch someone eating crackers or muffins or whatever AS THEY WALK AROUND THE KITCHEN AND THEN DOWN THE HALL makes it a little harder to feel like cleaning very often. One thing I've tried is to give THEM chores that require THEM to clean the toothpaste out of the sink (this only works with kids older than yours, I'm sure) so that they can put 2 & 2 together. And mostly, I just try to let it go!!!
I'm glad you got a chance to enjoy the cleaning and the result at your gma & gpa's place. That's really cool.
I enjoy cleaning except for dusting. I *strongly* dislike dusting. Not a good thing considering I live in the middle of the desert! :)
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU...I have wondered the same thing, and that is so it. I love to have a clean house and I love to clean because it makes a clean house and it feels so good and like you have accomplished so much, and then 10 seconds later you feel like you house looks like you know what and I have to start all over again....if I could just keep my floor clean for 24 hours I think I would be the happiest woman around!
But i have heard it said, and I hope it is true, that one day, I will miss all those fingerprints on the end table, and the sticky floor and wish my kids were home so that i could clean up after them.....I wonder what THAT day will be like? I hope by then I will have Grandkids to mess up my house on occasion!
Welcome back megan! I have missed your hilarious wisdom!
yes, oh yes, oh yes - it's calming when it's somebody else's house. You're doing a service. It's a pleasure to do a service. You won't be around to see it messed up, and nobody expects you to do it. And certainly, nobody expects you to do it again tomorrow and the day after and the day after until you are a white haired darling yourself and excused from the cares of the real world.
Doing it at home is expected - if by nobody else, by yourself. I no longer have people messing things up - but then G and I MESS THINGS UP. And I still hate cleaning. Because it's not a service, not a Good Thing I'm doing for someone else - it's just work. I will NEVER be an LM Montgomery girl who just wants to do things for her little house.
Oh, the futility! I can absolutely relate. It's so very frustrating. And that makes it so very un-fun. But even if it wasn't futile, I still don't think I'd like doing it. I love the end result, but if I could Mary Poppins my way there, I absolutely would!
Oh-h-h-h-h yeah. I hear you! Especially when my kids were younger, it seemed that EVERY time I'd change the sheets that day (especially the top bunk), someone would get sick that night and puke all over the bed. And I still have this one area rug, that no matter how many times I vacuum, by the time my husband sees it, it's covered with crud. "No really! I swear I just vacuumed that 2 hours ago!"
People keep telling me that someday I'll miss the fingerprints and the messes. I guess we'll see!
It gets better when they have to help with the cleaning :) Hang in there!
Can't even express to you how much I agree with that! I am one who enjoys cleaning as well- but I have to admit that it has gotten easier now that the kids are older AND I am teaching THEM my skills! :)
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