Friday, August 6, 2010

Zucchini Season

Oh I am loving my garden. Tomatoes are almost ripe. The red potatoes were harvested and subsequently digested. And I can pick a delicious zucchini off one of my 8 plants nearly every day.

While I prefer to eat my zucchini sauteed in olive oil with onion and seasoned salt, Dan likes his baked into something chocolatey. So, I made him a cake.

It didn't turn out terrific, so I won't post the recipe, but I will tell you that the best part was the carmel glaze I made up using butter, brown sugar, milk, and vanilla. But seriously what wouldn't taste good with that on top? I'd be tempted to eat my own head if that glaze was poured over it.

See? The kids couldn't keep their lips off that glaze.


Marilyn said...

"I'd be tempted to eat my own head if that glaze was poured over it."

AWESOME. Also, I have a good zucchini chocolate cake recipe if you want it.

Cherringtons said...

well it looks good, sorry it didn't turn out real great! I wish i could pick zucchini off my plants every day but we have three plants and we have picked two off of two of the plants and then they died;(

Dan and Emalee said...

Oh its that the season that everyone locks their cars?

EmmaP said...

hey -- i want that caramel glaze recipe! I heart caramel like ... almost better than sex! gimme, gimme, gimme!

It was great seeing ya today! Totally wish we had more time! I miss the days of our visits.

the fellers said...

oh my gosh, seriously Megan, you make me laugh so hard, I LOVE that you would be tempted to eat your own head with that glaze on top!


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