Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Was Good Today, Part 3

Beth made {these} most adorable cupcakes for Teacher Appreciation Week at her boys' school! And not only that, she gave some to me with a note that made my day. How does she do it? I ask you? As usual, with the gorgeous cupcakes Beth makes, I didn't want to eat them. Much too cute. But then Maggie and I did eat them. It was a healthy and delicious dinner. Thanks, Beth!


Pam Williams said...

Oh, yeah. Let's do an exchange. A pie lesson for a cupcake lesson.

Jennifer said...

OH MY GOSH!!! How does she do all those amazing things!? She is a sweetie! (When I was 8-9 months pregnant, it was all I could do to go to a drive-through and order real fries and burgers for my own self!)

Beth said...

You're welcome.

K said...

So much work. So muchmuch work. But so adorable. She's really good. Really, really good. And the food is SO dang cute. Those really blew me away. I'm so sad that she didn't enjoy the process, because if she did, I'd try to sign up to teach her boys and then I'd do a really, really good job. And wait. Wait and wait for the day when something like that would suddenly show up on my desk. Then I'd shellac it and preserve it forever, just to look at. Eating these things is always a little bit of a letdown - but the eye-candy part of it is FASCINATING and WONDERFUL. lucky you.

Sharlyn said...

AMAZING! That's why there are creative "foodies" around, 'cause that I'm not


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