Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jr. High School Musical

Last Thursday, I went to our local Jr. High school production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Some of the kids in my neighborhood were in it, so I took a bunch of other kids in the neighborhood with me to see it.

It was fantastic. There is nothing like seeing a 13 year old kid dance around the stage singing his guts out. Or watching a 12 year old girl counting "5-6-7-8" under her breath as she executes each dance move with precision. It's hilarious. And wonderful. And at the end of the show you're just so darn proud of them all for doing it.

The next time a kid you know is in a play, go. Even if it's just Timmy from around the corner that you don't know so well. Because, well, Timmy's performance might just blow your socks off. And Timmy will be so proud to know that you were there.


EmmaP said...

i know what you mean. I am sort of a dumb sap, but I *ALWAYS* end up crying at suff like this... as if I am proud of them cuz they are like KIDS and had enough guts, talent and drive to do something like this. My kids make fun of me for tearing up at EVERY.STINKIN.SCHOOL.PERFORMANCE.


Jennifer said...

Yeah, I agree. It's always worth going to. (I was in "Joseph" in HS, and it's a great one!)

The Willeyes said...

One of my all time favorites. Love that play :) Aren't kids the best!


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