Monday, November 2, 2009

Best Costume 2009

I've seen a lot of adorable things this year. A lot.
But {this wins}:

Oh my word! Can you even stand it?


Lilly said...

AAH! The crocheted wig! I can't take it!

And I just saw your dad on your last post. I haven't seen him for years! He doesn't like me, I'm afraid. He actually kicked me out of his class permanently because I was such a talker. Would you tell him I'm so so sorry for being such a loud mouth teenage jackass to him? Thanks.

jayne wells said...

That wig is so so awesome. But I've got to say that the col. sanders and chicken idea is totally rad too (trying to bring back the '90's language). It is fun to see the pictures of your good dad reading, you'll have to tell him hello. How is Joel?

Rachel said...

That IS adorable!

MOMster said...

I CAN'T stand it. Goldilocks is the cutest thing EVER!

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

That is adorable! The wig!! Oh my goodness!! I'm so laughing.

K said...

Goldi-flippin - locks. Hotcha.


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