Monday, October 5, 2009

Maggie is Three

Last night we had family over to celebrate our Maggie girl's third birthday. I can't believe she's 3. [On the one hand, 3 seems so old, but then I remember that I have 3 children and the oldest is only 3--then 3 doesn't seem so old any more.]

I made Maggie this birthday shirt to wear, since she refused to answer the "how old are you?" question--despite my coaching in preparation.

Of course, I can't pass up a chance to make a birthday banner. Or cupcakes. Maybe I should try a cupcake banner....

Maggie got a barbie, a coloring book, a billion princess toys, Woody and Buzz, and some cute new clothes. After the party, she insisted that Woody and Buzz take a bath with her. I'm convinced that to be a 3 year old at your own birthday party is one of the best things you could ever be.

Happy birthday, Mags. We love you.


Emily Rasmussen said...

Happy Birthday Maggie! She looks so grown up. Such a fun and beautiful girl. Megan you blow my mind...she is just barely three? I think I have it rough with my are such a fabulous mother. I totally idealize you!

Marilyn said...

She does look grown up. What a cutie!

Please keep me posted on the status of your "cupcake banner." When it's completed, I would like to take care of it for you.

I wouldn't want it to fall in the ocinfeu or anything.

Rachel said...

I can still remember taking baths with toys. I insisted on having toys in the tub only.....they weren't the typical toys because I didn't have any! They were pots and pans, cups, and wooden spoons. Funny thing.....I didn't seem to mind. :D Happy Birthday Mags!

Cherringtons said...

She is so cute!! You do such awesome birthdays for your kids

John said...

We have a third birthday coming up this week too. How did you do that shirt? I think I want to make one for my little boy on his day.

John said...

Oh, I guess I'm logged in as my husband---this is Brielle.

The Willeyes said...

Oh how fun. Happy Birthday Maggie :) I can't believe she is 3! She gets cuter every day!

the fellers said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And just wanted to share this. Scoty is sitting on my desk as I am typing this, and I went the a pic of Maggie and said, "Scoty, who is that?!?!" He got a smile on his face and said, "oh my!" hahaha...I think he has a crush a little! She is so cute, I approve!

Jennifer said...

Is she really 3?! What a fantastic party. You ROCK, Mom! No wonder you're her best friend! (Seriously!) Love the cupcakes and decor, and the shirt is CU-UTE. And I agree--being a 3-yr-old at your own birthday party has to be the best thing ever.

Beth said...

We're missing them cupcakes, already. Did you see the fit Clara threw when I separated her from Maggie's play kitchen? It was good.
As we left your house, Mary kept yelling, "Amore cake!" When we got home twenty minutes later I got her out of her car seat and said, "Do you want a bottle?" She shook her head vigorously and said, "More cake!"

Ginna said...

Yay!!! What a darling, and 3 does seem old. So old and so young at the same time really, right?

I love the banner.


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