Kenzie tagged me. So I thought I'd include this picture my mother found of us eating banana popsicles in our best 80's duds. Our brothers were almost as cute as we were. Almost. Now, onto the tag...since I can tell my own future and all...
In six months I will be:
Still flying by the seat of my pants as the mother of 3 crazies. Only instead of being content to sit in their bouncers the boys will be most likely crawling and truly causing mayhem at 9 months (or not if I'm lucky). Hopefully the sleep deprivation phase will be behind us. I will also have devised a plan for making myself feel like more of a person by having social interaction with my friends and regular date nights with Dan (at this point I would have to hire the entire Beehive class to babysit if we were to go out...these kids are a handful).
In 1 year I will be:
The mother of 3 children 3 and under (that sounds much better than 3 kids 2 and under). I hopefully will have more of the house decorated to my liking and a car big enough to fit our massive stroller in the back. I might even feel brave enough to venture out in public alone with my gaggle of children.
In 5 years I will be:
Officially quite old (age 32). I will have probably felt ready enough to have another child (maybe the last?) and have Maggie in first grade and the boys in kindergarten. Maybe I'll be back to teaching kindergarten or running my own pre-school. Dan will officially be running the engineering world by then with his brains and incredible work ethic. We will have traveled to Disneyland with Dan's family, and Mexico with mine.
In 10 years I will be:
Even older. I'll be the mother of a beehive and hopefully I'll get to be one of her leaders. I always was so sad that my mom was released from Young Women's before I turned 12. Dan and I will have traveled to Hungary by now so that he could eat all the foods and meet all the people and see all the sights I blab about. There will be a temple in Hungary at that point and we'll do several sessions with the saints. We'll definitely have all the kids we'll be having and still just flying by the seats of our pants.
I will be ? years old on my golden anniversary and will:
I will be 74 dang years old and will be a sassy hilarious old biddy for sure. Danny babe and I will be out serving the Lord again. Having already served missions in Brazil, Mexico, and Hungary, we'll probably be in Nigeria, or South Africa, or China (cause it will have opened by then and I think I'd be really good at speaking Chinese--I already know 3 words). When we come home from our missions I'll spend my days chasing my darling grandchildren and hopefully showering them with quilts and food like my talented mother and mother in law do for my children. We'll be cramming for finals by reading the scriptures and serving in the temple. And I really will be voting for Jesus in the presidential election (I really hope He's coming pretty soon).
Tag-a-Roo to Becca, Tia, Melanie Willis, Holli, Tiff, Dawnell, and Vhar.
I'm pretty sure if Jesus has come that China will be open.
Pretty sure.
Ha ha. Its a safe bet. I added that second coming part at the end and I guess I hadn't thought it all through.
I LOVE that picture!!! We were absolutely adorable, now I guess we just have to make do with gorgeous...
I'm so glad you did it, your answers were just as good if not better than I'd thought they'd be!
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