Saturday, October 18, 2008


I thought a lot about gelatin and what I could possibly say or do to show how much I love the jiggly wonder.  As I pondered the substance I realized that it has played  a role in the shaping of my life. A major role.  Here's my tribute. And I guess it must have been okay, since I won the awesome shirt. But I must say, I thought Melissamerica's beat poetry was way better. [Click on the pictures to read them better.]

And here is a commercial I found that shows just how far Jello has come. Thank you, Jello for all you've done for America. We love you. Now let's go make a salad.


Ginna said...

awesome shirt! I couldn't make the little stuff get bigger to read it though..
Marilyn and Sam are so darn creative and fun! I can hardly believe all the awesome stuff they come up with!

Beth said...

You know what this post reminds me of? It reminds me of a song I've had in my head ALL DAY: Who's On The Lord's Side, Who?

Marilyn said...

All RIGHT! That shirt looks great on you. And, that commercial was _awesome_. I love the lady's voice. "And how about this lovely fruit and celery salad? How delectable!"

The Willeyes said...

Love the shirt, couldn't get the pictures bigger, but knowing your should have one!

Dan said...

You're hot. You're so hot.

andrew's mom said...

There are very few people in this world who have a true appreciation for the miracle that is jello. Thank you Megan, for being one of those people.

Emily Rasmussen said...

Your hair is so dang cute! and I am so jealous no one is throwing a jello party out here in Reno. I;d throw one but I am just not cool enough ;) Your blog always makes me happy. :) Love it!

marlamuppets said...

i love this shirt! especially since I really did that trick to a co-worker. i heart jim.
i also love your hair! darling.


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